Our law firm

Our firm philosophy:
Sophisticated legal advice and representation of interests requires more than legal knowledge. Only a specialization in specific areas of law with an in-depth knowledge of the respective industry or business circles guarantees the optimal handling of legal issues.

We shape the future

Against this background, the law firm was founded in 1987 by Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. med. Alexander P. F. Ehlers and Dr. iur. P. Nikolai Ehlers. With the aim of efficient advice and competent representation, we are distinguished above all by this consistent specialization.

In the healthcare, life sciences and aviation sectors, we are not only able to provide comprehensive services for all legal issues, but have developed into a leading company in these areas. Thanks to the long-standing trust of well-known clients, we see ourselves on this path confirmed and challenged for the future.


We find solutions

Our demand for modern legal advice is to show innovative ways to achieve concrete goals, even in the face of tight legal foundations and difficult economic conditions.


We are represented in Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf. We create a lively exchange within the locations and enable employees to change within the locations.

Ehlers, Ehlers & Partner
Widenmayerstraße 29
D-80538 Munich

+49 (0)89 / 210 969 0
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 210 969 99


Ehlers, Ehlers & Partner
Meinekestraße 13
D-10719 Berlin

Telephone: +49 (0)30 / 887 126-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 886 761-11


Ehlers, Ehlers & Partner
Mörsenbroicher Weg 200
D-40470 Düsseldorf

Telephone: +49 (0)211 / 583 357-425
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 210 969-99


Associations & Institutions

Gesellschaft für Recht und Politik im Gesundheitswesen

The Gesellschaft für Recht und Politik im Gesundheitswesen e.V. GRPG is an independent and interdisciplinary association. It was founded in 1994 and is open to all professions and services in the healthcare sector.

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Conférence Bleue

The merger of 22 European law firms – the Conference Bleue – European Lawyer’s Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Care Affairs in October 1997 by the founder of our firm enables comprehensive European legal advice in all aspects of medical law, life sciences and health care.

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Bundesverband Managed Care

The BMC is a pluralistic association that is committed to the further development of the healthcare system in terms of future-proof, quality-assured and patient-oriented care.

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As an association, the BPI has the task of representing the common economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry. With successful companies, qualified employees, high productivity, innovative products and good working conditions, BPI contributes to securing Germany as a pharmaceutical location in the long term and in a competitive manner.

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The DGTelemed e. V. sees itself as a forum for communication, discussion and advocacy in telemedicine in Germany and Europe. Patient orientation and optimisation of cooperation between service providers, health service and medical technology companies, associations and associations are the basic understanding of their actions.

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As a business association, BVMed promotes and represents the interests of around 240 German and international manufacturers and suppliers in the medical technology industry as well as assistive device service providers and home care providers.

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The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Integrierte Versorgung im Gesundheitswesen e. V. (DGIV) is a German-wide association with the aim of promoting integrated care in medical, nursing and social care as a rule.

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The Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft – Unternehmerverband Deutschlands e. V. is a leading association of medium-sized businesses based in Berlin. The BVMW represents the interests of medium-sized businesses in Germany across professions and sectors as well as party-politically independent.

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Health Care Management Institute (HCMI)

Health Care Management International creates connections between renowned and premium-quality service providers in Germany and interested clients in the international area.

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