Air law

The consistent specialization in the field of air law has led to a leading position of the company in this field. The founding partners of the firm, who are also brothers, have deliberately chosen two highly regulatory markets. For this reason, the legal area of aviation law has been consistently specialized in addition to health law for many years.

Our mandates are exclusively in the field of commercial aviation.

German and international air law

We work for many airlines, leasing companies, financial services providers, insurance companies, aerospace manufacturers and airport operators. The responsible partner is also admitted as an Attorney-at-Law in New York.

We examine the legal situation, advise and represent clients in court litigation and arbitration proceedings as well as in out-of-court settlements.

Due to years of experience and networking in the field of air traffic law, we also take on communication/representation for our mandates vis-à-vis the Federal Aviation Office, the Federal Ministry of Transport and/or EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency).

We support our clients with:

  • purchase of aircraft and engines;
    and financing (both seller and buyer)
  • Aircraft and engine leasing
  • Aircraft Management Contracts
  • Licensing issues
  • Registration of aircraft and liens
  • Charter agreements
  • Defence of claims on the basis of EU Regulation 261/2004
  • Insolvency law
  • Right to travel
  • Contract law
  • Competition law

We advise our clients on:

  • Economic, operational and technical reliability issues/conditions for air carriers
  • Issues of permissible structures of ownership and influence related to operating licences and aircraft registration (ownership and control)
  • Registration and de-registration of aircraft in/out of the German aircraft roll
  • Registration and cancellation of aircraft registration lien in Germany
  • Registration and search in the International Register
  • Obtaining and maintaining the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and the Air Operator Licence
  • Other public permits and licences

Our expertise and many years of experience in civil law extends to all legal aspects related to the operation of aircraft, aircraft maintenance and compensation law. In the field of public law, our activities include legal advice and representation in court proceedings in connection with orders and regulations of international aviation law.

Our activities in the field of commercial law cover all relevant aspects of commercial and commercial law in the field of air transport.

Dr. Nikolai Ehlers

We provide services for our clients primarily in the international field and work with aviation specialists around the world to provide competent support to clients also in cross-border matters. An admission as Attorney-at-Law in New York by Dr. Nikolai Ehlers has proved to be very helpful for our clients.

In addition, we support airlines in political and legislative processes in safeguarding their interests, including the granting of traffic rights and regulatory initiatives of the European Union.

Profile & activities

Admitted to the bar in Germany and New York, Dr. Nikolai Ehlers specialized early on in the field of air law by studying at the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University in Montreal.


Dr. Nikolai Ehlers advises and represents clients in the field of civil aviation, namely airlines, manufacturers of the aerospace industry, leasing companies and other financial service providers as well as aviation insurers, many of which are international companies. Nikolai Ehlers is often involved in the acquisition and financing of aircraft and engines, as well as regulatory issues. In addition, claims settlements and recourse after aviation accidents play an important role.


Nikolai Ehlers is a frequent speaker at air law conferences in Germany and abroad. He is also an editor and author of specialist publications and a member of the advisory board of leading specialist journals in Germany and the U.S.A. As a long-standing member of the board of the European Air Law Association, he has chaired its Munich Liability Seminar since 1997. Regular participation in the “Air Law Forum” with selected specialists from the field of air traffic law completes its profile. Dr. Nikolai Ehlers is also a member of the IBA International Bar Association based in London. He has been a Treasurer of the EALA (European Air Law Association) Board member for 24 years. Read more