Competition law

The rules of fair economic conduct are the subject of fair competition law. The ratio legis is the protection of competitors (e.g. pharmaceutical companies, doctors) and consumers as well as the public interest in fair competition.

Advertising law – competition law

Ehlers, Ehlers & Partner is active and very experienced in all areas of “multi-faceted” medical law. This is an advantage when it comes to advertising in the field of pharmaceutical law, as we not only have knowledge of the UWG and HWG, but are also familiar with the subject matter of your advertising.

This is because drug advertising law always involves issues relating to the AMG, SGB V, medical device law, professional regulations, pharmacy law and many other legal standards.

We offer you comprehensive advice that is always geared to the current legal situation and also identifies the best position in the market for you.

Julian Bartholomä, LL.M.

We advise and support you, for example, with

  • the legally compliant design of your advertising, whereby we are happy to “sail close to the wind” with your product managers
  • the defense against warning letters or preliminary injunctions
  • Preventing unfair behaviour by your competitors
  • your very personal concerns with the speed required in competition law