Dr. iur. Christian Rybak

Dr. Rybak advises companies in Germany and abroad, doctors, professional organisations, authorities and government organisations on all relevant issues in the field of medical law / life sciences. He advises well-known pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers, but also food manufacturers and producers of cosmetics in all essential facets of commercial, medical and life sciences law.

In addition to the areas of Market Access / Reimbursement / Regulatory Affairs, his fields of activity include competition and antitrust law (including pharmaceutical advertising) as well as health policy issues, the design of corporate law models, strategic consulting and public policy advisory.

Dr. Rybak is always a competent contact for issues of (early) benefit assessment, market entry strategies, reimbursement and prescriptionability of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, regulatory issues as well as aspects of billing law.

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Dr. iur. Christian Rybak | Business Lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)
Training, Activities & Stations:

  • Universität Bayreuth
  • Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften
  • OLG München, Bundespatentgericht
  • Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
  • Swiss Reinsurance Deutschland / USA
  • Butzel Long Attorneys, Detroit


  • Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie (BPI)
  • EUCOPE European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Telemedizin
  • Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristenvereinigung
  • Gesellschaft für Recht und Politik im Gesundheitswesen (GRPG)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie


  • Market Access / IQWiG / G-BA (BPI)
  • Absatzfragen (BPI)
  • AG Versorgungsforschung (BPI)