Dr. iur. Melanie Arndt

Melanie Arndt advises and represents nationwide inpatient and outpatient care facilities for the elderly, facilities for the disabled as well as facilities for child and youth assistance. Its activities cover the entire nursing and social services sector in all relevant areas of SGBVIII, SGB IX, SGB XI, SGB XII and home law. She assists clients with proven expertise in the financing structure of the relevant institutions and represents clients in arbitration proceedings as well as in relation to supervisory authorities, cost providers and bodies, both in court and out of court.

Typical for the industry, she draws up home and lease contracts and helps with disputes with investors. Concepts for new forms of housing are drawn up and negotiated with the supervisory authorities and treasury representatives. In addition, she works for doctors – also in the context of her research activities – within the framework of professional law, in relation to the medical insurance associations and in the drafting of contracts for professional associations. She supports and advises on cooperation models and integrated care projects. As a specialist in administrative law, she represents hospital managers in the context of hospital planning and before the courts in competition lawsuits. Finally, it represents the stakeholders of private sector developers as well as developers of health facilities in the planning, conception and implementation of projects, taking into account and making full use of the possibilities offered by public building law.

As a sought-after speaker, Melanie Arndt is active nationwide at events in the health sector. In recent years, she has devoted herself particularly to the training of employees and managers of nursing and disabled facilities.

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Dr. iur. Melanie Arndt
1976 to 1981 Law studies, Freie Universität Berlin

  • since 1985 as an attorney-at-law
  • Specialized in health law as a specialist lawyer for medical law and administrative law


1985 to 1997 Lawyer at a Berlin law firm Finkelnburg, Clemm & Partner

1998 to 2002 Partner in the international law firm White & Case

since 2002 partner of the law firm Ehlers, Ehlers & Partner | Munich/Berlin, head of the Berlin office; advising and representing service providers in the health sector, namely providers of care facilities, facilities for the disabled,
Hospitals and doctors

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Integrierte Versorgung
  • Deutsch – Chinesische Juristenvereinigung
  • Deutscher Anwaltsverein
  • Verband der Berliner Kaufleute und Industriellen
  • Deutsch – Polnisches Gesundheitsforum